First Scientific Workshop, Girona, Day 2 (Sept 23, 2014)
The second day of the First Scientific Workshop in Girona took place at the
Faculty of Science.
The morning started with a plenary WG1 session, after which parallel sessions for
the other three WGs took place. Many people would have liked to have been able to
hear other talks, but given the limited space for scientific talks, having parallel
sessions were the only possibility to have 18 scientific talks.
The selection of the scientific talks was made by the WG leaders based on the priorities
of the COST Actions:
- gender balance
- broadening participation of inclusiveness countries
- encouraging participation of young researchers
- balance between experimentalists and theoreticians (specific policy for COST Action CM1305, ECOSTBio)
In the afternoon, the second MC meeting of the Action was held, and in the evening a guided tour
through the city center of Girona was held (courtesy of Ajuntament de Girona).
All photos can be found in the Members section.