Congratulations! Dr. Anna Company awarded the Clara Immerwahr Award (Feb 13, 2015)
It is a pleasure to announce that one of the members of the ECOSTBio action,
Dr. Anna Company, has received the Clara Immerwahr Award from "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis" (UniCat).
This award is being honored for her contribution to the field of bioinorganic
chemistry, specifically for the synthesis of high-valent organometallic complexes.
These play a crucial role in the elucidation of metabolic processes in living organisms.
In most cases, the metals present themselves here as active protein (enzyme) centers. These
metals are essential for the function of the enzymes. Exchanging one of these metals results
in the loss of, or a significant change in, the function of the enzymes.
The Clara Immerwahr Award is conferred by the Cluster of Excellence UniCat to honor an exceptional
young female scientist in the field of catalysis, and invites the recipient to cooperate with
UniCat working groups.
"Unifying Concepts in Catalysis" (UniCat) is an interdisciplinaty research network within
the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the German Reasearch Foundation. Its main
focus is on catalysis. Four universities and two Max Planck Institutes in Berlin and Potsdam
are involved in UniCat.
More information about Clara Immerwahr Award
to Anna Company.