Third Scientific Workshop, Belgrade, Day 2 (Aug 25, 2015)
Today we continued with the Third Scientific Workshop in Belgrade.
We started with a splendid Keynote lecture by Malcolm Halcrow on
spin-crossover, followed by ten great talks (among which 4 STSM-talks)
and a wonderful Keynote lecture by Matthias Stein (anecdote of the
day: "What Nikola Tesla is to Belgrade, is a combination of different Otto's
to Magdeburg; you cannot mean anything in Magdeburg if you're not called Otto";
liberally quoted by Chair).
We also had lots of discussion at the coffee break and light lunch,
and finished another perfectly organized workshop with the MC meeting.
Looking back, this has been a wonderful meeting with scientific talks of high level
that inspired lots of discussions, questions, remarks and feedback during the coffee
breaks, lucnhes, and poster session.
It was also good to have our Science Officer Lucia Forzi with us these days
to observe, discuss, inform and enjoy Belgrade.
The photos for this second day can be found
at the server in Belgrade,
and in the Members section.