Short-Term Scientific Missions

Networking tools
All proposed activities must respect the COST rules as described in the COST documents, in particular the COST Implementation Rules and the COST Vademecum, and be directed at achieving objectives stated in the Action's MoU and/ or implementing COST policies.

Any WG member is entitled to submit one or more applications for STSM grants. While there are no restrictions on eligibility (regarding participants), applicants should be aware that if possible the STSM Manager will tend to prioritize:
- participation of inclusiveness countries (see below), either as host or as participant
- participation of early-stage researchers
- gender-balanced participation
Note that the STSM should start and end within the same budget period (e.g. May 1, 2016-April 30, 2017).

STSM Outcome
All STSMs should be described in a scientific report (when completed and according to the guidelines), which should be submitted to the STSM Manager before reimbursement can take place. The STSMs should lead to a joint publication, acknowledging COST Action CM1305 and the STSM Reference number.
Failure to acknowledge in scientific publications (resulting directly from STSMs) the support of COST will be taken into account in subsequent STSM applications and may lead to automatic rejection.

STSM Manager
Dr. Carole Duboc, Vice-Chair (mail).

Inclusiveness Countries:
EU 13 (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In addition, to comply with the EC eligibility criteria for widening, Portugal and Luxemburg might be considered.

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